OSHA Violation Addressed, Reported.
By: Kevin Potter, Business Agent
Western Sugar Company-
Forth Morgan and Scottsblufff- OSHA violations continue to be addressed and reported. Thank you shop stewards for continuing to hold the company accountable.
I was present for the response orientation in Fort Morgan recently to welcome 51 new and returning members.
Remember, if you will be out for a complete calendar month or more due to lack of work, sickness, accident, workers comp or maternity leave get a withdrawal card from your local union.
Make sure that your union and your employer always have your current address and phone number.
If a member is suspended and neglects to pay dues for a period of three months he/she shall be suspended from the union and a reinstitution fee will be required before the person can again become a member in good standing. It is a member’s sole responsibility to see that dues are paid.
When you have a grievance, see your shop steward or your business agent immediately. Don’t wait. Make sure the grievance procedure in your collective-bargaining agreement is followed. This is very important and your responsibility. Remember, we only have 10 business days to file. See your steward for a copy of your new contract.

Seattle Fish-
Seattle Fish Driving school is continuing to fill empty positions.
Teamsters who want to drive for Denver’s Seattle Fish Co. are now eligible for a fully paid four-week driver training program – and a pay bump- thanks to a recent Letter of Understanding (LOU) negotiated with the employer. The driving school now gives everyone an equal chance to advance in a position that wasn’t previously available.
Carter Truck Driving Academy will conduct the month-long training course, estimated to cost almost $3,000 per trainee. After scoring 80% or better in the coursework and completing 12 weeks of employment, new driver graduates will receive a $.70 pay increase.
In August we partnered with Seattle Fish to celebrate National Truck Driver Week by providing breakfast burritos to our city and mountain drivers.
Remember, the monthly membership meetings are at 6pm on the first Tuesday of the month at your union hall located at 10 Lakeside Ln., Denver, CO.
Cargill Meat Solutions-
We would like to welcome a new walking steward to the second shift, Francisco Ruiz-Huerta, who has been a Cargill employee for more than seven years.
You will notice that all stewards at Cargill are now wearing black hard hats. The change gives us a much-needed distinction from other positions. Please continue to report all contract violations to your stewards and remember your Weingarten rights regarding union representation.
If you are called into the for discipline, you should request a steward who speaks your language to be present. You do not have to proceed until a steward is present. Please always ask for a copy of the disciple for your records.