Know the Candidates this Election Year
By: Jessica Prather, Secretary- Treasurer of Local 983
POCATELLO – Hello brothers and sisters. It’s the start of a new season. Where did this year go?!
It is an election year and we want to express how important it is to vote, especially at the state and local levels. Make sure to check out the list of Idaho AFL-CIO endorsed candidates and research those running in your district
Sometimes we vote for candidates solely based on the party they affiliate with, even when they go against workers and families. Educate yourself, register to vote, and GO VOTE!
You can request an absentee ballot if you will not be able to make it to the polls on November 8. Check your registration and make your request at!
As of August 16, the striking workers at Pocatello Ready Mix have returned to work. The union ended the strike while we are still in mediation and attempting to negotiate with the company. We want to thank members for their support during this stressful time. We are hopeful we will be able to reach an agreement soon.
Speaking of negotiations, we have opened up all three of Basic American Foods’ contracts. By the time you read this, we probably have already started negotiations. Solidarity will be very important, as always. Please continue communicating the importance of being a union member, especially in a right-to-work state.
If every member at Lamb Weston and Basic American Foods could sign up one non-member, we’d have more strength at the bargaining table!
We are only as strong as our membership, and if we have members not upholding contracts, fighting with each other, and making excuses for not doing the right thing, the union won’t be as strong as it could be.
The union isn’t the business agent, it is YOU, the workers, standing strong and as one! We are in this together and it should never be about one person. We encourage you to look around and remember that there is power in numbers and working together is where our strength lies.
We are continually internally organizing at all of our shops and centers. The more members we have that are informed of the contract language, the more grievances we file to make the company abide by the agreement.
Non-members do not have a say when it comes to making proposals and voting on contracts. Please communicate and have open discussions with your co-workers about the importance of being a union member.
If every current member would sign up one new member each month, we will have more power at the bargaining table to get what you all deserve. Thank you for your membership and solidarity and as always, if you have an issue or question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We would like to congratulate all of our recent retirees. We wish you the best of luck in your retirement!
If you are starting to think about retiring, please call our office to schedule an appointment with our WCOT Pension representative. In-person interviews are back but you can also call them over the phone. The application process can take several months. so make sure to plan ahead if possible. We will be more than happy to help you fill out your application! If you want to contact the Pension office directly, call 1-800-531-1489.
Please remember to contact us for any address or phone number changes. Also, if you are going to be off work for a month or more due to illness, leave of absence, layoff, etc., contact us regarding being placed on withdrawal until you return to work. As a dues-paying union member, the local union provides you a $4,000 life benefit. Make sure your beneficiary information is up to date by contacting us.
We hope to see you at our upcoming general membership meeting: They are on the first Thursday of every month and begin at 7pm at the local union halI. You can find us on Facebook to stay up to date!

Jessica Prather
Local 983