About us
Executive Board
Meet the Executive Board Members of Teamsters Joint Council Number Three.

Spencer Hogue
President of Joint Council 3
I was born in Utah and have spent my entire life residing in the Salt Lake Valley. I enjoy the people and the mountains and have never found another place that I would rather live.
I started at UPS in 1990, at eighteen years old. The part-time job worked with my college schedule. As a part-time employee I worked in nearly every capacity at UPS over seven years. I had no intention of making UPS a career but when the opportunity to become a delivery driver arose, I decided to try it. The job was demanding. There were no overtime protections at the time and most days were dreadfully long. Fortunately my route was close to home so my wife and son could meet me at the park for lunch.
I had been driving for three months when we went on strike in 1997. I got to know my co-workers during the strike by sharing time on the picket line. It was inspiring to see the support of other union brothers and sisters and the public as their support was key to our success.
In 2004 after seven years of delivering I moved to Feeders which would be my last job at UPS. The schedules were a challenge, and the hours were long but the job itself was very enjoyable.
During my time at UPS, I was an activist, volunteering my time organizing, educating members, and holding management accountable. I served as a steward in both the Package and Feeder Operations. The job of the steward was rewarding, and I developed many friendships with co-workers through my activism.
In 2007 I was asked to fill a trustee position on the executive board. I served in this capacity for two years and then became recording secretary.
In 2010 I was offered a business agent position. This was the hardest job I had ever done but I learned fast and had great mentors. Every day in this role presented new challenges.
After serving the members in this role for three years there was a vacancy in the Secretary-Treasurer position. I assumed that other leaders in the local would be eager to fill the position but to my surprise I received the encouragement and endorsement of my co-workers to take the helm of the Local.
Like many other unions we had suffered significant losses in membership due to closures, deregulation, and economic conditions. The first goal was to organize more workers. The second was to build a war chest so that we had the resources to take on any employer.
In nine years, we increased the membership by 70%. With the new members and wise spending, the general fund grew by over 300%. More members and more resources have made Local 222 a powerhouse in the labor movement.
I have been very fortunate to be at the member’s service in this position for the last nine years. I have a truly amazing staff that works hard for the members every day.

Karla Schumann
Secretary Treasurer of joint council 3
Secretary-Treasurer Schumann has been a member of Teamsters Local 104 for over 35 years and has served as a Business Agent for 23 years. Awarded Labor Leader of the Year by the Arizona AFL-CIO in 2018, she is known for her tenacity and dedication to the membership. Sister Schumann has many years of experience in contract negotiations, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, Arbitrations and various panel systems. In 2008 she became the Vice-President of Local 104. In March of 2017, she was unanimously endorsed by The Executive Board to serve as the Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 104. In November of that same year, Sister Schumann was first elected by the membership as Secretary-Treasurer. Her current term is from 2020-2023.
Secretary-Treasurer Schumann has served on the IBT/UPS National Negotiating Committee for 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017, as well as the Western Region Supplemental Negotiating Committee, Southwest Package and Sort Rider Negotiating Committee. She is the Recording Secretary for Teamsters Joint Council No. 3 Executive Board, serves on the AZ-AFL-CIO Executive Council, and as a Trustee on the Western Region 177 Healthcare Fund. She also is a Trustee on the Arizona Laborers/Teamsters Trust Fund.
Karla is dedicated to the members of Local 104 and serves them tirelessly. Her commitment is her strength and is known for being a tenacious and strong force at the bargaining table.

Duane Grove
Duane Grove has been Principal officer of Local 17 since 2016. He joined Local 17 in 1987 when he was hired as a driver for Yellow Freight in Denver. He was elected as a shop steward at Yellow Freight in 1991 and as a Trustee on the Local 17 Executive Board in 1995. Duane was hire as a full-time business agent in 1996 and was elected President of Local 17 in 2001, a position he held through 2015.

Erin Foley
I was born and raised by a strong union family in Butte Montana. I graduated from Montana Tech of the University of Montana with a Bachelor of Science in Professional Technical Communications in 2004 and an Associate of Applied Science Degree as a Radiology Technologist in 2010. I have worked in many industries and trades. Early in my career I was a reporter and videographer for KXLF News in Butte. In 2010 I became a Radiology Tech at St. James Hospital in Butte and this was the beginning of my career as a Teamster. In 2013 Local 2 hired me as a business agent. In 2019 I was appointed Secretary Treasurer and Principal Officer as well as Trustee on the MTCET Insurance trust. In 2021 I was appointed as a Trustee on Joint Council 3 and was elected as the President of the Montana AFL – CIO. In 2022 I was appointed as the Public Service Division Western Region Rep for the IBT.
In what little spare time I have, I enjoy camping, golfing and traveling with my family. My son Cooper who is 10 years, keeps me on my toes along with our new puppy. Cooper and I love to do all different kinds of Art projects together. One of my favorite traditions I do for Cooper is at Christmas time. I create a giant paper mâché surprise egg. He comes up with a theme of the egg each year and I build the egg and paint it with the theme….which then he destroys it on Christmas morning to find the presents inside! In the summer we spend many nights watching the sunset or staring at the start to find all the constellations.

Jessica Prathers
I was born and raised in Great Falls, MT to two young, hard working parents. I was eventually the oldest of three kids and took my oldest sibling job very seriously! I have always been a part of a Union family…my mom worked in the bakery at various grocery stores and was a member of the United Food and Commercial Workers while my dad was a member of the Carpenter’s Union, traveling to build new grocery stores. I also had Grandparents that were teachers and was surrounded by people that believed in hard work and doing whatever it took to provide for their family. I worked as soon as I could starting at the Dairy Queen and after graduating high school in 2004, I moved to Pocatello to begin college at Idaho State University. While going to school, I got a job working in the office at the Pocatello Fire Department. They were Union and it was my first real experience learning about what a Union actually is and their purpose. At 20 years old and not wanting to take out student loans to finish getting my degree, I decided to join the Montana Air National Guard. I was a weekend warrior for 6 years and it was such a rewarding experience. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be when I grew up but I knew I wanted to help people. After changing my major a few times – yes, it’s okay to change your mind about things! – I eventually graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor’s in Business Management with an emphasis in HR. It was time to find a real job and after finding the job posting for the Local Teamsters office, I excitedly applied and accepted the position at the end of 2010 as the Office Manager. At the time, there were three of us, the Secretary-Treasurer, a business agent and myself. I got married to the most supportive man in 2011 and toward the end of 2012, the S-T was retiring and the Local’s best option was to not hire another agent and just operate with two employees. I became a “part-time” business agent and took over representing UPS and our freight companies while also managing the office, TITAN and the bookkeeping. I thought I was busy then until I had my first baby in 2014 and then another (& last!) in 2017. Not working was never an option in my mind and I continued working, sometimes with a baby at my side, hoping to teach my girls that you can be successful with hard work. Eventually the Local was at a place that we could hire another agent and after some begging on my part, we hired LaWanda Ellsworth at the end of 2020. Now we were three with a membership of about 850 members. Here we are today in 2022, with me as the first female Secretary-Treasurer of this Local alongside two other amazing women representing and supporting our growing membership. This Local and the membership has been a major part of my life and I have many goals and ideas to help improve it and the quality of lives of our Union family. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and the support of my Teamster family, both near and far.

Andrew Palmer
I started my career at U.P.S in 1993 as a part-time employee at the Albuquerque Hub. In July of 2000 I became a Package Car Driver and finally was promoted to a Feeder Driver May of 2015, where I stayed until January of 2021 when I became a Business Agent for Local 492. I have served as a Union Steward and Alternate Steward in every job I have held with U.P.S. I have served on the Local’s Executive Board as a Trustee from 2010-2021 when I was elevated to the position of President and now Secretary-Treasurer.